Dr. Mandi De Mestre’s seminar
CRRF is pleased to virtually welcome the invited speaker Dr. Mandi De Mestre, Reader in Reproductive Immunology, from the Royal Veterinary (University of London).
The talk is entitled “Unravelling novel underlying causes of pregnancy loss in the mare using an interdisciplinary approach“.
If you are interested, come to join us!
New studies opportunity
New studies opportunities are available in the “Studies” section!
Click here to consult.
Bruce D. Murphy designated as “Distinguised Fellow” by the Society for the Study of Reproduction
Bruce D. Murphy, professor in the veterinary biomedicine Department at the Faculty of veterinary medicine at University of Montreal, and CRRF member, has been designated as Distinguished Fellow by the Society for the Study of Reproduction.
This recognition highlights, amoung other things, the innovative caracter of his research, which has contributed to increasing knowledge about reproduction, both in humans and animals, a crucial area for the species survival and often underestimated.
Congratulations for this well-deserved honnor!
To consult the full article in the UdeM Nouvelles (in French only) : Click here
Job opportunity
A technician position is currently available in the Department of Animal Sciences, University of Florida in the Dr. Peter J. Hansen’s laboratory.
Dr. Hugh Clarke’s seminar
Dr. Hugh Clarke (McGill University) will give a talk on Wednesday July 22, at 12pm entitled “Constructing and deconstructing bridges of communication during mammalian folliculogenesis“.
To get the link Zoom, please contact Geneviève Provost at genevieve.provost.2@umontreal.ca.
Bioscientifica Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Embryonic Diapause
The Bioscientifica Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Embryonic Diapause was held in Ascona Switzerland in June of 2019. The proceedings, entitled: Pregnancy in Waiting: Embryonic Diapause in Mammals can now be found online at http://www.biosciproceedings.org/bp/0010/.