New partnership between Semex and Recombinectics
Recombinetics and Semex form a new alliance in order to improve animal welfare to eliminate the need for dehorning livestock.
Click here to access to the Press release.

Recombinetics and Semex form a new alliance in order to improve animal welfare to eliminate the need for dehorning livestock.
Click here to access to the Press release.
The 6th CRRF “Work in Progress” took place at the Faculty of veterinary medicine on Friday, June 8th.
On this day, Drs. Gustavo Zamberlam and Lawrence C. Smith presented the work in progress of their respective laboratories.
Thank you all for your participation!
Congratulations to our recipients of a $10 000 grant for the establishment of a collaborative project among CRRF members!
* Applications have been evaluated by external evaluators from different institutions :
Drs. Daniel Cyr – INRS, Clémence Belleannée – Université Laval et Carlos Reyes-Moreno – UQTR.
The RQR travel award program is now open!
Act quickly! You can submit your application by March, 16th 2018. All information regarding this program are available on the RQR website in the student section/RQR travel awards or by clicking here.
To consult the first bulletin of the 2018 year, go on the bulletin page on the RQR website or click here.
The RQR wishes you all happy holidays and a Merry Christmas. We see you in 2018.