About CRRF

The Center for Research in Reproduction and Fertility (CRRF) is a trans faculty research center of the University of Montreal. The centre was created in 1972 as the Center for Research in Reproduction in Animals, located at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the campus of St-Hyacinthe, 50km east of Montreal. Since its creation, the centre’s mandate is to study reproduction in large domestic animals. The CRRF is today one of the largests research centers in the world in this field.

In 2015, the Center was enlarged by integrating members from the Faculty of Medicine (CHU Ste-Justine, CRCHUM and Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont) working in different areas of reproductive biology, such as human fertility, thus strengthening the collaboration and creating a broad multidisciplinary research group.

The Center’s infrastructure budget comes from the University of Montreal and FRQNT. Researchers projects are fund from provincial and federal agencies, university, industry or private foundation.

Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal, situé sur le campus de Saint-Hyacinthe