The Faculty offers numerous graduate training programs. Master, doctorate and postdoctorate programs are offered to students with a scientific training and a university diploma.
The following programs are available within about 20 options: masters, Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.), interns (IPSAV), Specialized studies diploma (DÉS), superior specialized studies diploma (DÉSS) and microprograms.
A superior training in research permits an access to the work force in major research laboratories, public and private, in organism dedicated to public health, and to teaching.
For additional information on the registration procedures:
Telephone: 450 773-8521, ext 8520 (training in research) or 8224 (professionnal training)
Montreal area: 514 345-8521, ext 8520 or 8224
Fax : 450 778-8137
Guide for foreigh students:
or the Registrariat of the University of Montreal : 514 343-7076